Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter tale

En el último día de invierno, la nieve se llevará consigo al alma que el otoño perdonó y, reclamará la melancolía y los sueños que se vivieron con frívola pasión durante esa cruda y helada estación.

PS: I made a .psd of the layers I used to get the coloring from the images above. So in case you're interested, click here :) Consider it as a Christmas present. It'll actually make your pictures look like taken out from a winter evening. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Anna writes a diary: Day one "from psychosis and hallucinations"

I'm never safe, because they're everywhere I look at. They laugh at me, they laugh at what they did to me, what I became.
They know I'm in pain, they know I'm alone and they know I'm vulnerable. They know it, they do know for sure. 
I don't want to ever leave my house, but I have to, then I'm very sorry I did. 

Why can't they leave me alone! Go away! Stop standing on my way! 

I'm sick of your faces, I'm so sick of you, all of you. 

PS: I made this on the back of a non-catholic bible. I thought it was pretty accurate as I don't know what to believe anymore.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A funeral for a moth

Mind full of worries and sick unhappiness, body aching, eyes wet. Leaves her house expecting to find the world a little pleasant, finds death outside the door. 

Dear, Moth, fly away and never come back.

Now your body rests, the wine is served and the flowers are settled for you to sleep tight.

Friday, August 2, 2013


"Let them know how does it feel to die" 

These are some rough images from a project I've been working on.